sunny days at the beach

Bom, todas nós já estamos inteiradas da missão de vida tomada a cabo pelo Mel-Salvador-das-Almas-Tresmalhadas-Gibson depois de anos de abuso de alcool, ácidos e outras drogas à disposição..
Ora, o seu último school-project é, none other, do que a M.inM. Top Ten Best Dressed Winner Britney Spears.
"Britney Spears and Mel Gibson are headed to Costa Rica where they will vacation with the singer's father and Gibson's wife, a source told People magazine. "They're just going away for a few days to relax," the source said.The group plan to stay at Gibson's Costa Rican home. They will be back early next week. The unlikely pair were first spotted together back in mid-March when they dined at Russian restaurant Romanov in Studio City, Calif. However, it wasn't their first meeting. Gibson and Spears and their families met many times after the pop star was hospitalized in February, a different source told People at the time.
"Mel and his wife Robin clearly saw a woman in crisis and wanted to extend themselves in any way possible," the source said."

A minha pergunta é: esta gente conversará acerca de quê?!?!

1 comment:

raquel said...

Vícios com certeza.... Admito que são um par esquisito, mas tb acredito que tenham o mm tipo de problemas... Não sei... Sei que ela vaia com o pai e vão para a praaia... o que nunca fez mal a ninguém..