The couple

Neste momento é sem dúvida o meu casal preferido do celebrity world...lindos de morrer, tranquilos e low profile , com ar super normal, filha queridíssima e carreiras no top....e vejam o que diz a Halle:

“We clicked instantly. And yes, he’s not at all bad on the eyes,” she told the Daily Mail. “I don’t know if younger men are easier to get on with because they’re not so set in their ways; all I know is that he’s easy for me to get along with.”
“Gabriel and I don’t look at our relationship in terms of for ever, we look at it as right here today,” Halle added. “And today means being the best people we can be, the best parents we can be. It’s wonderful, but neither one of us feels the need to attach ourselves to each other for life – because it may not be that.”

Se ela tem razão...he's not all bad on the eyes indeed!!

1 comment:

raquel said...

o meu tb. qual brangelina qual quê!