O mundo está perdido - prova factual

Então parece que havia um piqueno conflito de agenda entre uma entrevista à Susan Boyle e uma conferência de imprensa em que era orador o Presidente do Estados Unidos da América subordinada ao tema do sistema de saúde americano, práticas dos médicos, seguradoras, etc...

"NBC initially balked when the White House announced that the news conference would be at 9 p.m., because it had put a lot of promotion behind a special episode of "America's Got Talent" featuring an interview with that surprise British singing star, Susan Boyle.So Obama, in what New York magazine called "a stare-down with an ephemeral reality-show star," actually bowed to network priorities and the White House rescheduled the thing for 8 p.m. EDT (5 p.m. PDT). As one White House official told The Times' (White House correspondent Peter Nicholas), the switch was made to "make it more likely that everyone would air it -- networks and cable." "

1 comment:

raquel said...

tens toda a razão. nem acredito que o obama se tenha curvado perante a soon to be nobody susan boyle....