Madonna adopting

Pop star Madonna has adopted a one-year-old boy in Malawi, according to reports.
The boy's father, Yohane Banda, told the Associated Press: "I know he will be very happy in America."

Adoptar crianças está decididamente na ordem do aprovo!! Primeiro a rainha pop negou mas agora a BBC diz que é mesmo verdade e que em 48 horas será emitido comunicado oficial...mais um elemento para o clã Ritchie!

1 comment:

mau maria said...

The Human Rights Consultative Committee is hoping to halt Madonna's adoption of a 13-month old baby boy because they want to make sure Malawi laws aren't bent for her. The group is currently applying for the court to recognize them as a sufficiently interested party so they can file an injunction later in the week to block the adoption.

"The rich shouldn't get preferential treatment. I am fine with the idea of the adoption but I want people to go through the system," said Emmie Chanika, director of the Civil Liberties Committee.
And even though she reportedly left Malawi with the child on Friday, turns out there were some legal problems getting his passport setup and he had to stay behind, only finally being able to leave today with one of her bodyguards and her personal assistant. So basically Madonna abandoned the child her very first day of being an adoptive mother.